Campus Lovers

Salome Wambui



Most of us have been raised watching soap operas with all the drama that happens there.We end up searching to know what this love is,how it feels to love and who is the right person for us.In campus with the freedom we have we get into relationships that end up being dramatic, weird, awkward and all sort of things.
Maybe these soap operas make us live in an unrealistic world where we think in relationships we can do anything and get away with it like cheating.We need to change this mentality, go back to our old fashion sweet relationships.We act as adults, where couples do have feelings for each other,  they trust one another and remain faithful. Couples argue and at the end they come up with a solution instead of using abusive words and violence.
Some of the few ways that can help us maintain good relationships are :
communicating frequently to one another
have an agreement as to why you are to together example for growth.
learning to respect one another and
be ready to accept the different natures of everyone if you cant change them.

Author: campodiary

Campus offers different experiences for everyone. This is a guide that you will need on matters like relationships, fashion, money,events and advice. We are glad you are here.

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